Sunday, Sept. 4, 2022 – Brunch at Seminole Inn, Serviced Glenn’s Pool

Hi Babe,
Had a good night sleep, stayed in bed a little reading, finally got up and fed the horses. Also did a repair on Barn 3, I noticed a board came off, so I pulled all the nails out and screwed in back into place. The manure rake handle was also broken, so I apprised James we needed a new one. Skipped breakfast because I was meeting with my new friend Joan, whom I met in the Charlotte airport on my last trip to Vegas, at the Seminole Inn for their brunch. We met at noon and ended up chatting together until 4:30! She’s quite the talker, and we had a good time. Then I headed over to Glenn’s to start my duties of “property manager”, i.e. cleaning the pool, watering the trees, and mowing when necessary. Turned out his entire pool system had shut off, so we had to go through the process of starting it up again. I cleaned it up, then he wanted me to stay for awhile, which was no hardship, I put on my bathing suit and enjoyed swimming around for awhile. Saw some fruit dangling from their trees, very tempting but not quite ready, though they should be the next time I come through later in the week. Got back to camp before 7:00, decided to quickly mow my little patch of yard since the mowers had been here on Friday and everywhere else looked so tidy, which takes no time at all. Did my rounds, then settled down for the evening, doing computer work mostly, didn’t even have a chance to turn the TV on. Did several loads of laundry as well today, so I’m set for awhile! Trying to figure out which trails to work on tomorrow, not sure yet, but I’m sure I’ll do something! Heading for bed shortly, so good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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