Sunday, October 29, 2023 – Laundry, Housework and Packing

Hi Babe,
Another noisy night with earplugs, long into the night. I think sometimes they're just competing to see who can be the loudest! I just found a schedule, and both Friday and Saturday nights they played until 4:00 a.m. though I know someone was playing at 7:00 a.m. yesterday morning, even though it wasn't supposed to start up again until 1:00 p.m. Maybe just a jam, I don't know. The last band tonight is supposed to end at 11:15, so hopefully I'll get a full night sleep! Last night I closed one of my bedroom windows, and that seemed to help a bit for some bands. Anyway, today was about getting ready to move on tomorrow, so laundry, housework and packing was what I did today. Got the truck hooked up and everything put away that I could, flushed out the black water tank, though I broke that handle doing it. Guess plastic handles don't last forever! Ordered a new one to be delivered to the next place on Tuesday. Love Amazon Prime! Looking forward to a busy week of riding, I'm so bored with the trails here, especially considering how many in the Spirit of Suwanee property are still closed, so I'm looking forward to exploring some new ones. Also looking forward to getting back a decent sleep schedule, just not happening here with all this noise. Just my Spanish lesson, shower and bed left to do! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

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