Sunday, October 2, 2022 – Fall Cleaning Housework

Hiya Sweetie,
Love these cooler night time temps, had another good night sleep, without the AC coming on. Got bit by the housework bug today, since I haven’t done much deep cleaning since I started this trail project, I figured I was way overdue, so after breakfast, I got busy. I couldn’t believe how much dust had collected on the ceiling above the fans, and the whole place was, frankly, filthy, so I spent nearly all day cleaning and still only got about 2/3 of it done. I’ll finish off the rest tomorrow. Worked until after 4:00 on the cleaning, then settled down for the evening. I had a few day riders I let come in from Jupiter, they helped pick up a few palm fronds for me. I’m glad my back is feeling so much better, though I still intend to see the chiropractor on Tuesday, just to see if there is an ongoing issue. Then this evening, while I was eating some mint chocolate ice cream, I suddenly bit down on something hard. I thought it might be something in the ice cream, turned out to be a little chip had come off of my back left molar! What’s up with that? So now I have to find a dentist and get that fixed. Always something! Sure glad I have a job in a couple of weeks, what with all these extraneous expenditures. Soon be ready for shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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