Sunday, January 3, 2022 – Quiet Sunday

Hiya Babe!
Though I fully intended to go riding to scout some trails, it was so cold and damp today, I ended up changing my mind. It was supposed to get in the mid-60’s, but it never even came close. It was supposed to clear up and get sunny in the afternoon, but it didn’t. So I spend the day mostly just lazing around waiting for the weather to improve until it got too late. I didn’t even take the blankets off the horses, and I was almost tempted to put their winter blankets on because tonight their calling for frost warnings! Brrr! I ran the generator a couple of times and put the fireplace on just to warm it up a bit. Of course, if it’s like that down here, you can imagine what it’s like up north! I actually got a call from Mike Gerard, from Pleasant Hill Lake State Park, you’ll remember he was the guy that you spoke to quite a bit while we were staying there, he called me out of the blue, but he said it was below zero and snowing in Ohio, so I guess I should be happy that mid-30’s overnight is as bad as it’s going to get. Anyway, I spend most of the day working on OTL stuff, then read and watched TV, a nice quiet day. It’s supposed to be sunny but still cold tomorrow, so I’m going to have to wait and see if I ride tomorrow. Meanwhile, going to be early just so I can get warm and cozy! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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