Sunday, February 6, 2022 – Surprisingly Quiet Day

Hi Babe,
The day started cloudy but ended up being beautiful, but it was too late to do any laundry. I wanted to rest Flash, so didn’t go riding. I did send out an email to all the participants, trying to get a handle on how many trailers we’ll actually have coming, but for some reason, people don’t really read or comprehend mail much anymore. I had to send several emails to people who just didn’t answer the questions for some reason, despite how clear I made them and the reason for them, so I’m only slightly less in the dark about it than I was before, so a lot is going to be done on the fly, which I don’t like to do because someone is going to be left behind somewhere along the line. It’s probably good that I had a fairly relaxing day, but I have a feeling it’s the calm before the storm! Anyway, I spent the afternoon on the computer, finally taking a break to read for awhile, then finally settled down for the evening. All of my neighbors left today, so I’m pretty much back on my own again, and it’s nice and quiet here once more. Watched a bit of TV, now I’m off to my much needed shower and fresh sheets! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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