Sunday, Aug. 11, 2013 – Second Ride Day at Schnell RA

Having established our schedule for the next few weeks, and deciding to stay until Tuesday rather than our regular Monday departure, we took another ride around the grasslands. This time we headed north and east, following the perimeter much farther east than we had previously. We passed several ponds that had been dammed in, paralleling some huge fields of wheat and grass, galloping and cantering whenever we got the urge, passing through gates from one field to the next, enjoying ourselves immensely. Honestly, though, as lovely as it is, I wouldn’t want it to be my only riding spot, it would get really boring in a hurry. Views were great, but all pretty much the same after a while. Nice ride though, no questions about that. Looking forward to our next stop in the Badlands, though, as that terrain will likely have considerably more variety. Today’s ride was even longer than our last ride here, as we took a much wider sweep of the property, though it’s a bit deceiving, as each dip and rise looks like the last, and even though we could see the campground, we ended up not coming in the way we expected. That’s a good thing, though, it keeps us on our toes! We passed one area that must have been an old homestead, because right in the middle of this prairie was one, single pine tree. Probably (like Hubby and me) someone planted a Christmas Tree after the holiday was over, and it’s just there to continue commemorating the event. Christmas in August, suits me! Put the horse back on their anchors and settled in for the evening.

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