Saturday, Sept. 10, 2022 – Busy Day Puttering Around Camp

Hey Babe,
Had all good intentions to go riding today, but decided it against it because of all the hunters this weekend, didn’t want to get in their way, and I can always go during the week. So instead, I kept myself busy around camp. I started by patching Apollo’s feed bag, he’s managed to chew some holes in the bottom, but I’m not sure the patch will last very long, so I’ll probably have to get another one. I actually mopped the floor before I went to feed them so it would dry, just to complement the housekeeping I did yesterday. Of course, that only lasted about 20 minutes, when Lola decided to eat biscuits and leave crumbs all over the place. Then I went out to replace the part on the PTO that I had delivered yesterday. I had read somewhere that I had to make sure it was well-greased (there’s a grease nipple on it), so I had to get my grease gun from the attic, and remembered that my entire storage box was covered in grease that had leaked out at some point, so it was messy getting the toolbox down. Then I discovered that the grease had hardened so much that it wasn’t coming through very well, so I had to fiddle with that for quite awhile until I could get it working right. Then I had hardly started putting grease in when I noticed grease of a different color was starting to ooze out, so evidently, this part was fully greased when I got it, so end of that struggle! It took me awhile to get the part on and get everything lined up and working properly, but I finally managed it. I cleaned out the toolbox and put everything in fresh plastic bags to avoid future leaks, then hauled everything back up to the attic, cleaned the storage box really well, and finally got everything put away. I found an air compressor up there, so I brought that down to see if it worked. I seemed to remember that either the AC or the DC side worked and the other didn’t, but I couldn’t get either side to work today, so I’m trashing it. Don’t need to be carrying stuff around that doesn’t work! Cleaned up the carport a bit, then retrieved my tarp from the picnic table (I used it as a drop cloth while I was painting), tied it onto the back of the tractor, and proceed to drive around camp and pick up all the fallen palm fronds, limbs and other assorted flora that had dropped from the wind, and hauled it over to the fire pit across from me, which I’ve been using to periodically do burns. I rested for a bit, had an early dinner, then did my rounds, and finally started the fire and proceeded to systematically burn the pile. It was dark by the time I was finished, though Lola and I played frisbee during that time so she got a little exercise. I was dripping with sweat by the time I got through (for the second or third time today), so I immediately jumped in the shower. Watched a little TV, now I’m ready to do a Spanish lesson and go to bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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