Saturday, October 6, 2012 – Second Ride Day at Silvermine

 Set the alarm to get up an hour earlier than usual so that we could beat the rain, and it was a gorgeous morning! Temps got up to the upper 70’s by the end of our ride. Another fabulous ride, this time going out the way we came in yesterday, and then weaving around as best we could based on the information we had. Obviously, there are a lot more trails out here than those marked on the map, so this one goes on the list to return to when we get back in the area. And did I mention, it’s FREE?? Finally saw two other riders on the trail, though they turned away from us at an intersection so we never spoke to them. They weren’t back in camp when we arrived either, so they must have parked somewhere else. The leaves were falling down fast and furious today, lots of yellows, but there are still plenty of greens left to go. We just hope we don’t regret staying so far north for so long! There’s a cold front forecast for tomorrow, with more rain, but then clear and colder on Monday, good for traveling! While we were having our ice cream lunch, a young ranger came by and chatted with us for awhile, first to ask us whether a new camper that was setting up on the other side of the campground was with us, which he said wasn’t allowed if he didn’t have horses (it’s nice that that is enforced, since there are so many other camping areas here where horses AREN’T allowed. We’ve been in several places where non-equestrians were in equestrian campgrounds, to the point of equestrians not having a place to camp!), and later to talk about his goals and ambitions. We chatted for quite a while before he moved on (my ice cream had mostly melted, but that’s okay, I like it that way : -). Spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on the blog, sewing a torn strap on the horses’ rain sheets, and generally relaxing.

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