Saturday, Nov. 16, 2013 – Second Ride Day at Ouachita National Forest

Had a hard time getting to sleep last night, and then all my dreams were active, so I woke up feeling more tired than when I went to bed! Got up and fed the horses, delighted to see that Clio ate every bit of hay from last night, and was even picking at the scraps on the ground, something she hasn’t done in months! Hopefully the wormer did the trick, it would be great if that was the crux of the problem. Gave them breakfast, and she was tucking away at it like she was starving, another good sign! After breakfast we saddled up and headed out, on another fairly short loop, hoping the trails aren’t quite as rocky as the last one, though the north part of this loop is the same one we took on Thursday, so we already know that part’s rocky. Turns out 6A was a bit better, with some stretches along the ridgeline that didn’t have any rocks at all, and even a few sections of a carriage road that made life a lot easier. There were some sections that were just as rocky, but somehow it didn’t seem quite so bad. Not sure why this place is so busy (a lot of trailers came in for the weekend) with trails like theses. Don’t get me wrong, everything else is great, nice camp, good grades, pretty views, it’s just the trails are so full of rocks and roots it just doesn’t make for a very pleasant ride. Hoping the next place has better trails! Clio went straight back to her morning hay, not even taking a nap after the ride, very unusual, but a great sign we’ll be able to put the weight back on her in a hurry! Settled down for the evening earlier than usual, an enjoyable day despite the rough trails.

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