Saturday, May 5, 2018 – Rain Day Off

Because it rained most of the day, and because we haven’t stopped for weeks, it seems, we took most of the day off today, other than dialysis. Well, I also dragged out our old Aussie saddles, which ended up being to narrow for our fat stock horses, but they should be perfect for Flash. Hubby spent some time cleaning and oiling both saddles (see, he is feeling MUCH better!), and look forward to seeing how well it fits. I was going to work with Flash today but thought he might need a day of rest and adjustment as well, so we spent the day catching up on a bunch of the shows I recorded on our DVR while we were gone. What an exercise that’s going to be! But Hubby got hooked on Netflix on the trip, and is talking about turning off the satellite service altogether. Now that I’ll have to see to believe!!

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