Saturday, Mar. 7, 2020 – Cleaning Day

Hey Sweetheart,
Spring/pre-party cleaning day! Spent most of the day doing a really thorough cleaning of the trailer, though I didn’t get it all quite done, with just a few spots to finish off later. I figured I better get this done early because I figure I’ll be doing a lot of cleaning of Jeff’s house in advance of the Celebration next Saturday, especially since I’ll have guests staying in at least one of the bedrooms. I might have to give up the master bedroom, because Jeff isn’t sure whether he wants to go to the Gators now, because he’s worried about the Corona virus (which is only on the West coast at this point, but watching the network news has him all concerned.) We’ll work it out, regardless. Anyway, I also brushed down the sides of the pool, that looks better now, and the little walking vacuum worked well most of the day, though I did clean the filters once to make sure it was getting all the sand out. I’m sorry to say that after everything I said about Lola last night, she wasn’t the best, getting into the garbage, even though it was up on the dining room bench seat, and scratching at the door, making some holes in the screen, dang it. I finally got up and opened the door, leaving it open so she could come and go as she pleases, so of course I heard the door flapping several times during the night, Sigh… Oh, well, she seems pretty quiet tonight, we’ll see what happens when I go to bed. I got an email from the GoDogGo people, they want to send me a new unit and have me send the current unit back because they want to find out why it quit working. I’m hoping I’ll have the new unit before the Celebration, Lola would certainly be able to keep everyone entertained! Well, she’ll do that anyway, ball-throwing machine or not! So I’ve taken my shower, and now I’m off the bed, so good night, darling! Love you!

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