Saturday, June 12, 2021 – Too Hot to Ride, Everyone Left

Hi Sweetie!
Had a terrible night, tossed and turned for hours, until I finally took a Tylenol PM around 3:30. I guess there was a lot of caffeine in that Frappe I got last night, didn’t think of that until this morning. So woke up tired, only to discover that all of my friends from Indiana had packed up and left, the heat and humidity was just too much for them. Sandy finally came to the decision to not buy the horse she was looking at, realized she wasn’t really ready for that, too much work to do, and she still wants to do some traveling, so in light of that, and the fact that the girlfriend she’s meeting up with is already there, she packed up and left before 9:30 as well. So now we’re back down to just Maggie and me! It was really hot and humid today, and I’m still a bit worried about resting the horses, so we opted not to even try riding today. We pretty much just sat around inside in the air conditioning, reading and watching a little TV and eating and generally just chilling out. I extended the horses’ paddock a bit, they’re overgrazing the area they’re in, so a little pasture management was in order. I’ve looked at the schedule, and I’ve decided I don’t want to stay here another week, the trails are just too rocky and hard on their hooves, and with the early heat, I want to get north asap. I’ve been in touch with my next planned stop, Ferne Clyffe in southern Illinois, a primitive camp but it looks nice for a few days, and am making arrangement to move there, probably on Wednesday. I put together a preliminary schedule for the next month, which will get me to Sandy and Bill’s around the third week of July, and that will likely be my northernmost point this year. Managed to find a good enough signal in the day parking area to contact the local Tractor Supply, looks like they finally got in the feed that I need, so tomorrow we’ll run around and get hay and feed. Lots of lightning as I’m writing this, so I think Maggie will likely stay in the recliner tonight rather than her tent, can’t say I blame her! Anyway, time for shower and bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

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