Saturday, July 30, 2022 – Puttered Around Today

Hey Sweetie,
Slept a little better, woke up early, did my morning chores, then painted the edges of the boards I’m working on, and took out the fuel filter again on my truck trying to see if there was anything I might have done wrong last time, but everything seemed to be in place, no change though. It just cranks and won’t start. Actually did that twice, but no effect. Did some research on the internet and it could be any number of things, most of which I don’t have the tools to test, so Jeff is coming over tomorrow to help. Wasn’t much else I could do with it. If we can’t figure it out tomorrow, I’ll just have to call the local mechanic and have it towed in to be repaired. Figures, I get a job and put a little money aside, so of course I need to have a big mechanic’s bill to pay for! No worries though, it’s still a lot less than a car payment! Was filthy dirty from working with all that fuel, so I took my shower before dinner, did a load of laundry to get rid of the smell, and settled down for the evening. Sleepytime tea, then bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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