Saturday, Jan. 4, 2020 – Getting The House In Order

Started off the morning by getting our “house” in order, putting down the porch carpet, putting up the screen room, getting out the lounge chairs and generally making ourselves more a home now that we weren’t stuck in a puddle. I found that I was only about 12 feet shy of making the sewer connection, so I ran into Walmart and bought a 15 foot kit (I was hoping for just the hose, but it turned out the kit was a better deal, and they were out of just hoses anyway). That turned out to work beautifully, the attached end fit perfectly into the sewer pipe and I was able to do a good, long overdue clear out of the black water tank. Meanwhile, I got Hubby on his dialysis machine, and had another very good session, though still using one sharp. I’m pretty sure I can go to the blunt needle on Monday for his arterial, as both accesses are working quite well now. Feeling like “home sweet home” was now pretty well set, and looking forward to finally getting back to normal, albeit Hubby has a way to go to get stronger, but now that all the stress of the holidays and being in the mud is gone, we’re hoping he’ll finally be on the mend! Fingers crossed!

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