Saturday, February 5, 2022 – Fantastic and Fun Conditioning Ride in Dupuis

Hey Darlin’,
Well, once again Anita and Scott went trail-marking, so I got another day off from that job. I feel like I’m doing a lot less this year, at least on the trail end of it, though I have been keeping busy with all the computer stuff, the social media and the file upkeep. I felt sorry for Camp host Steve today, he had several campers that overstayed their permits and he had to kick them out, not fun! Part of the problem is with their computer reservation system, which allows them to request a second permit that’s effective the same date as the expiration of the previous permit, even though it’s clearly stated that you can only stay seven nights, and have to leave for 24 hours on the eighth day. When I was at another WMD on the other coast, their system wouldn’t allow you to make a second reservation, which, if this place did that, would be a lot easier on Steve. Might be something worth suggesting to James next time I talk with him, since I sure don’t want to be a camp host if I have to deal with that kind of stuff everyday! Anyway, after chores and breakfast and some more OTL work, I finally decided to take Flash on a conditioning ride today. it was hot and muggy in the morning, but then the wind switched around to the north and it cooled down and got a little cloudy, so it turned out to be a perfect day for riding. I planned a 15 mile loop, and we kept up a good pace, even doing several long stretches of cantering, so we ended up doing just under 16 miles in about three hours, getting back to camp just after 4:00. It wasn’t long before it was feeding time again, and then I settled down for the evening. Now it’s coming up to shower and bedtime! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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