Saturday, Dec. 5, 2020 – Another Relaxing Day

Hi Darlin’,
I guess my sleep clock is out of sync now, I couldn’t get to sleep until nearly 2:00 this morning, and was up by 8:00, so hopefully I can get back into rhythm tonight. I thought about riding today, but I’m still not sure about my knee, so I decided to give it another day. It was pretty chilly this morning, and even though it warmed up a lot, there was still a cool breeze, which galvanized my decision. Mostly I read again, then at dinner, Connie and Mike had invited me over to join them and some friends for hamburgers, and we had a nice chat for a few hours. Watched on segment of a limited series on Netflix, a rather depressing story about Orthodox Jews, now I’m ready to try to get to bed early enough to get a good night sleep. Fingers crossed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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