Saturday, August 14, 2021 – Busy, Productive Day with A Comedy Night!

Hello, my love!
I ended up going to bed after 12:30 last night, fell asleep reading and woke up around 8:00. Did all my chores and had breakfast, then spent almost two hours doing my egoscue and other exercises. I felt a lot better after doing them the other day, so I’m trying to do them more often. I still feel lopsided, and these exercises are helping me get back in balance. After finishing that up, it was almost noon, and I decided to give Flash’s saddle a really good cleaning and conditioning. I’m embarrassed to say I cant remember the last time I did it, and I know I’ve only done it once (if that!) Since you did them right after I got Flash three years ago. Figured it was about time! There were also a number of seams that were starting to come apart on the stirrups, and one of the rings on the saddle bags had torn off, so I had my work cut out for me! It took the better part of the afternoon to get it all done, including sewing some new elastic on my lamb’s wool saddle cover so it will be a bit more secure. I had to get my sewing box down from the attic, so when I put that away, I also put away the ice machine that I got for my knee and haven’t used in months because it’s too much of a pain to try to store ice to use it, and I’ve found using a baggie full of ice is just as effective anyway, plus, the swelling is practically gone so it seems like surplus to requirement right now. I’ll do it occasionally when I remember, but most of the time I only do it if it hurts, which isn’t very often any more, thank goodness! I finished up just in time to grill a piece of chicken and have dinner, feed the horses, then head over to a place called Fisk Farm about 5 miles away. I had seen a sign that they were having a “clean comedy night” tonight as a fundraiser for the local heritage society, so I thought I’d do something different for a change and headed over there. It was an outdoor venue so I took Lola, and I ended up throwing the frisbee for a while just to keep her busy. I thought the show started at seven so showed up at a quarter til, only to find that seven was when they opened the box office, the show didn’t start until eight. I was glad I listened to the little voice in my head to put my empty propane tanks in the back of the truck, because I decided to run over to Tractor Supply and get them filled to kill some time. He was so fast filling them, though, I was only gone ten minutes! Thus the frisbee play to wear down Lola. Eventually the show started, it wasn’t too bad, though not exactly highbrow. It still ended up with large portions of bathroom humor, a lot about kids and parenting, so not very relevant to me! It was different, though, and for a good cause, but that’s about it. Got back around ten, watched a brief hour of TV, now I’m off to the shower and to bed! A busy and different kind of day! Cheers, my love! Good night!

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