Saturday, April 30, 2011 – Another Ride Day, plus some Sad News

Got an email from our friend Dee, with the horse-friendly B&B in Virginia, that her husband Paul passed away a few days ago, sad news. He was very nice to us when we met him a few years ago, but last year they found a tumor, they had to take an eye out, and he eventually succumbed to some sort of very aggressive cancer. Our best wishes go out to her, she’s a strong lady who I know will find herself a new passion to follow when the time is right. Meanwhile, Hubby and I had decided that instead of waiting until tomorrow to have a long ride, that we would take two short rides today and tomorrow, so after sleeping late (the cooler nights make for perfect sleeping weather), we finally saddled up and got out just before 1:00, and rode for about two hours. Once again it was very enjoyable, though at one point, Hubby took another tumble. Seems his horse saw a sharp turn in the trail before he did, and we were galloping at the time, so he didn’t quite have time to gather himself before she made the turn. Fortunately, he landed in a pile of soft sand and came out of it unscathed. I trust the experience will teach him to keep an eye on the road ahead of him in future : -). The horses enjoyed themselves again, they seem quite content to be back to our old routine, so much so they didn’t even mind being ridden two days in a row. They also seem to be loving the cantoring and galloping we’ve been doing lately, it seems they appreciate the opportunity to stretch their legs. Looking forward to another ride tomorrow. Was out about two and a half hours today, just right for a short ride.

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