Saturday, April 3, 2010 – More Taxes, More Rest

I am so sick of trying to make heads or tails out of our tax code! Even with Turbo Tax, it seems incomprehensible! Made worse because I didn’t have an e-file backup of last year’s return to import, so I’m having to start from scratch on all my assets and depreciations! Arrrrgh! We need to chuck the whole thing and go for a flat tax, the same rate for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE!! If a welfare recipient can live on $20,000, he/she can live on $18K, and send 10% to the government. By the same token, the government should learn to live on that 10%! If our government wants to quintuple the productivity of small business, all they have to do is get rid of the tax code as it is, and have a flat income tax instead. Not the FAIR tax, which has too many ways to get around (you want to see the start of the biggest peacetime black market on the planet?), but a flat income tax for EVERYONE. A post card for your return, no deductions to track, no hours of bookkeeping to do, only to find out you STILL haven’t broken it down enough to make Uncle Sam happy! I mean, come on! Isn’t vehicle maintenance expense enough? I have to separate out Oil, and Tires, and whatever else they decide they want to know? It’s ridiculous. Well, enough of my rant, tomorrow, I’m taking the day OFF!!!

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