Monday, Sept. 9, 2013 – Travel Day to Soldiers Creek, NE

Set the alarm early, as we wanted to get out as fast as possible in order to do our utmost to avoid the heat. Since I haven’t had a cell phone signal and consequently, no internet connection, we hadn’t seen a recent forecast for the area. Last we heard there was about a 30% chance of rain (and we did have a good gullywasher yesterday evening!), and we did, indeed, have cloudy skies this morning. Got packed up and out of there in just over an hour, headed back out to Route 79, then south, looking for someplace for breakfast. We didn’t find one until we got all the way to Chadron, NE, where we were heading for the Walmart anyway! Went to the Country Kitchen for a very nice breakfast before doing our shopping (never a good idea to go shopping on an empty stomach!) then headed for Crawford where we stopped for gas and water, then on to Fort Robinson. Missed the turn for some reason, then while heading down a lovely tree-lined street, I moved a bit right to make way for an oncoming horse trailer, and didn’t realize the trees overhung the street so much, and a limb clipped the digital TV antenna. Hubby radioed to me to stop so he could pick it up, and we then continued on to Soldiers Creek Road, which, for the first few miles, was the roughest bit of washboard road we’ve experienced in a LONG time, maybe EVER! It actually improved slightly once we got past the road to a lake, but it was still six miles of pretty bad road. As we reached the edge of the wilderness, we had to make a fully concreted water crossing, then up a hill to the “campground,” which is little more than a couple of vault toilets and a turnaround, and a whole bunch of cattle pens which were obviously part of the previous owner’s business. Not really suitable for horses, though evidently one oblong corral has been getting some use, so I guess we’ll put the horses in there for the night. I walked them down to the creek for water after struggling with the hand pump for a few minutes, then put them out on their anchors. A rainstorm came in while we were setting up the satellite dish, so we took a break till after it stopped again. Meanwhile, I put out all the containers to catch all the rain coming out of the gutter, since water is going to be a challenge here. Finally got everyone and everything settled in for the night.

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