Monday, Sept. 8, 2014 – Travel Day to Willamette Mission State Park, Oregon

Got up just after 8:00 and on the road by 10:00, going downhill very slowly on the twisty steep gravel grade to insure no untoward occurrences, and headed south, finding an Indian Truck Stop where diesel was only 3.84, compared to 4.19 at the Pilot!! Thanks Gas Buddy!! Stopped for lunch and shopping at a Walmart with a Subway, then got stuck in lots of traffic in Portland (where the drivers really make me mad!) If you leave ANY space for a safe stopping distance, some idiot jumps in front of you. After several incidents like that, I had enough, and the next little white Kia that dared to do that got my front bumper as close to his back bumper as I could get. He looked a little worried, but by that time I didn't care, the red Ford in front of HIM was my safety margin, and his little pipsqueak of a car would barely slow me down between me and the Ford, so there! Eventually we cleared the accident that was the cause of all the fuss, and finally arrived at Willamette Mission after 4:30. By the time we found the horse camp (poor signage) it was just after 5:00, so when I called reservations to see if the site we wanted was available for the time we wanted it, they, of course, had left (it was 5:01, after all). So we took a chance on Site 5, and before long a female ranger came by to get money from us, but in the end, decided to wait until tomorrow, so we could find out how long the site was available. Unfortunately, when Hubby was getting the horses out of the trailer, Apollo stepped squarely on his foot, and Hubby went down in agony. Just as he was recovering from his other broken bones, now his foot! Not sure if it was actually broken, but it is definitely going to be heavily bruised, and will hurt him for some time, darn it! Finally got the horses settled in to a couple of nice log corrals, introduced ourselves to our only neighbor, a girl in here 20's named Rachel, who ended up coming over and hanging out with us most of the evening, very interested in hearing about our adventures. I emailed her some Google Earth information about the horse camps in the three-state region, and we chatted until after 10:00. Watched a one-hour recording, then off to bed with us!

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