Monday, Sept. 5, 2022 – Lazy Day

Hi Sweetie,
Though my plan was to get out on the tractor and put some more posts in today, when I woke up this morning, I felt pretty bad. Maybe one too many drinks last night? Anyway, I just couldn’t seem to get the energy to do anything today, and since it is a holiday, I decided to just take the day off. Pretty much just lazed around reading and watching TV for the day. Most of the campers left today, and one woman was booted out by law enforcement for having multiple accounts (you’re only allowed one, with a 30 day annual limit), but otherwise a very quiet day in camp. Feeling a lot better tonight, so a good night sleep tonight should put me in the right frame of mind to get out there tomorrow. Headed for the shower shortly, and bed right after that! Good night, babe! Love you!

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