Monday, October 4, 2021 – Leisurely Day

Hi Babe!
Ended up getting to bed late, but had a good night sleep. My one and only neighbor left pretty early this morning while it was still foggy out, and finally, we had the place to ourselves! Just the way I like it. My first chore after feeding the horses and putting them out to graze was to solve a leveling problem. Last night when I went to close the trailer door, it got caught on the stairs, which it hadn’t done here before, but I remembered noticing that the jack stanchion on that side had sunk into the ground (along with the board I had it sitting on), so I jacked the trailer back up, hooked it up to the truck and raised the jacks up. Fortunately, there is a pile of gravel nearby, so I got out my big manure shovel and got some of the gravel and filled in the hole and then some, put down a second board, and raised the trailer back up again. I had breakfast after than, then did a couple of other odd jobs before settling down to read for awhile. Then I did some mending. On one of our recent trips, I left too much slack in Apollo’s lead rope when I tied him into the trailer and he managed to knock over a feed bin, munch a bunch, then started tearing into the bag that holds the patio rug and ripped that up as if it were a feed bag, so I mended that, as well as the pocket in my down vest (or should I say, YOUR down vest which I have now inherited). Went back to reading, then eventually binge TV, so a leisurely day, to say the least. When it was supper time, I had to loosen up the anchor that Apollo was on, it had gotten stuck on one of the posts, and after I did that, he went galloping across the campground heading for his hay on the line, hardly noticing the anchors flopping along behind him! Funny horse! Finally settled down for the evening, grilling a beautiful thick, bacon-wrapped sirloin that was really nice. Getting close to shower and bed time, so I’ll say good night now. Love you, darlin’!

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