Monday, October 30, 2023 – Living Nightmare with a Happy Ending

Hey Sweetheart,
The last 20 hours has been an absolute nightmare! It started when Lola didn't come home last night. You know as well as I do that the only time she doesn't come back after 20 or 30 minutes is when she's being physically restrained. The only other time she didn't come home all night was when those two idiot boys took Lola to Chicago and by the time I found out, I ended up having to meet them in Louisville. That was a nightmare, too. When she didn't come home at her usual time, I expected a phone call, which is what usually happens, from someone who thinks she's lost and holds on to her. Well, last night, there was no phone call. I had already hooked up the truck to the trailer, so I called Deb and she graciously came out and we drove up and down the road, and even into the field where it was filled with campers from the Hulaween festival. I was terrified she made her way all the way up there and someone might have taken her, but no one we talked to had seen her. I really didn't think she's go that far, but she didn't seem to be closer to home. Deb brought me back and I stewed for awhile, but I just couldn't sit around, so I called the sheriff's office, then walked back up to the campground and proceeded to walk into the festival. I finally reached some paramedics and explained, they said they'd spread the word. I finally turned around and walked home, it was after 1:30 by the time I got back. I took my shower and went to bed, but couldn't sleep for the longest time. I was posting on various Facebook groups and doing what I could, all the while praying that she would come back in the morning. I must have finally dozed off a bit, but woke up at 7:00 and got up. Sunrise wasn't until 7:45, but I fed the horses, and right after I had a bowl of cereal, I saddled up Flash and started around the neighborhood calling for her. I ended up back at the festival, though this time I cut right through, found some staff, reported her at Lost and Found, and was told to go to the park office, which I did. The place was jam-packed, of course, and everyone was thrilled to see a horse in the park, and were all very kind about Lola, though eventually a woman in authority made a point to tell me I shouldn't be in the park, but I was already headed out by that time anyway (easier to apologize than get permission, right?) By now it was after 10:00, so I made up a flyer, did a bunch more Facebook posts, and tried to solve the problem of how I was going to get over to McCulleys to mark the trails while still leaving my trailer behind. I sure didn't want to move it out and not have it be there when Lola came back, I didn't know what she would do if it were gone. I had a lot of positive responses about borrowing a trailer of my group and the Florida trails group, and one negative experience with a guy that was selling a trailer but said I could borrow or rent it, then when it came time to give me his address, disappeared. I drove into town and got flyers printed, and stapled them onto posts all up and down the road. I was very close to solving the transportation problem when suddenly a guy drove up with Lola in the passenger seat. OMG, I couldn't believe it (though the universe's little voice was showing me a happy ending.) Just as I suspected, she was only a short distance away. Apparently Mike first thought she was part of a pack of dogs near her mother's house, which was right across the street from the end of the road, but then realized she had a collar on (unlike the other dogs), so he took her out, bathed her, brought her into his house, had her in his recliner watching TV. Apparently she was with him all day! Someone finally told him that I had been hollering for Lola along the road when I was putting up flyers, and he drove her over. I was so grateful!! I couldn't understand why he didn't call the phone number on her tag, but all he said was that it was an 800 number, and that didn't make sense to him. I explained that it was my own personal number (I've had it over 30 years, after all!), but he didn't expect it, so he didn't call it. Still not sure why he didn't try it, but, whatever! She was back! it was just about 3:00 by this time, so I figured I still had time to move, so I finished packing, hooked the truck back up, loaded up the horses and got moving. I was thrilled that I made it around the back driveway, it's always been a close turn for a big rig, but they've taken a tree down and I went around fine. Close on one tree, but fine. I was so excited that I forgot to stop and pick up my leveling board, so I'll have to pick that up again later. Arrived at McCulleys at 4:30, got myself settled in a lovely spot under a big tree, though I pulled in for a change, which it fits better this way. I've got a full hookup again, and the horses are in that big paddock right at the front. Love getting here first! Was thoroughly exhausted by the time I finished my setup, barely had the energy to make dinner and watch a one hour show. I don't think I'll need any Sleepytime tea tonight! Just have enough energy to wash the dishes, do my Spanish lesson, take my shower and go to bed. I'll have a busy day tomorrow, but it's the kind of worry-free busy I love! Whew! What a day! Good night, babe! Love you!

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