Monday, October 3, 2022 – More Cleaning, Dentist Trip

Hey Babe,
Amazingly, I was able to find a dentist who could see me this afternoon, so I spent most of the day up until 2:00 doing more housework. Had a clog in the kitchen sink, had to work on that a bit as well. The dentist was a young woman, did a great job of just sanding down the edges of my tooth so it wouldn’t rub my tongue raw, but said we really need to put a crown on it, so I’m going to have to investigate my dental insurance options when I have a chance. Discovered that Equity had completely changed their health insurance requirements, and that I’ve actually been without it since April! They’re only allowing 6-month policies since Covid, and since I thought I had qualified for a year, I hadn’t paid attention. So now I need a 16 week contract just to earn 6 months of insurance! Going to have to look at some other options on that, too, see what’s a better deal. Good thing I didn’t have to have any medical emergencies since April or I’d have been in a lot of trouble. Anyway, my coverage just started, so I’m good until the end of March, but I don’t know what to do after that. Can’t get another 16 week contract in before then, I don’t think! Might have to try, though. Anyway, a busy day, cleaning is mostly done thank goodness. Settled down for a quiet evening, soon off to bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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