Monday, October 23, 2023 – Shoulder Definitely Better!

Hey Babe!
I feel twenty years younger! After sleeping way too late again this morning, I got up and started doing my usual routines, and it was like a whole new experience! I was able to get dressed without pain in my arm, comb my hair without pain in my arm, feed the horses, have breakfast, drive my truck to run errands, all without hardly any pain in my arm! I had to almost force myself to remember that I didn't have to shift my shoulder before reaching for something, I could just reach for it! It feels GLORIOUS! There's the tiniest bit of pain when I reach to extremes, but everyday stuff is almost back to my norm from fifteen years ago. I hadn't realize just how much I was compensating with my shoulder, but am so glad that era is behind me. Better late than never, right? Anyway, I only did a few things today, I didn't want to stress it out, I wanted to let it settle slowly back in place, so I went into town to a computer repair shop for something I ended up not being able to do, then stopped for a few bales of hay at a feed store. It was only fifty cents more than the last bales I bought, but the hay is much nicer, so if the horses like it as much as I think they will, I'm going to stock up with than before I leave here next week. Anyway, otherwise a nice relaxing day, feeling so happy!! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

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