Monday, October 15, 2012 – Ride Day at Gettysburg Military Park

The weather forecast is calling for intermittent rain and warm temps today, then a cold front coming in overnight, so our choice for riding at Gettsyburg is warm and wet or cold and sunny, so we decided warm and wet (hey, that’s what slickers are for!), so we set the alarm for a bit earlier, but it didn’t go off on schedule. We decided to skip breakfast here, discovering that with the new propane regular it switches tanks automatically, so we have no idea when one tank is empty, and realized both tanks were empty this morning anyway. We packed them up in the van with us, got the horses loaded in and headed down to Gettysburg. Didn’t find a fast food place before 10:30, so we ended up going to Friendlys for a quick breakfast and to get online to find a propane dealer, a grocery store and a gas station, as well as the best route to the McMillan Woods Horse Trailer Parking lot where the Gettysburg trailhead was. From there we headed to the Agway for propane, but could only get one tank filled because the other one was out of date and apparently needs to be re-certified, another item on our list of things to do. By 12:50 we were saddled and booted up and ready to go. There were two other horse trailers there, apparently a concessionaire who was hoping for some business, but it had drizzled a few times already, so their chances where probably slim. I asked about footing and one of the ladies suggested boots on front because of some gravel-ly areas, and another woman warned us a “storm” was coming in, but I told her “That’s what slickers are for :-).” We prepared as best we could be, then headed up the road to the trailhead. The trails were wide and well-groomed, and were mostly grass, dirt and fine gravel, with just a few spots that had larger gravel fill. The trail (or rather, bridle path) weaved along stone and continental-style split rail fences, following the edges of fields at times, other time through dense forest. The trail mostly followed Confederate Ave.,where there were many monuments from which to read and learn, though after awhile it became a bit too depressing, thinking of all the waste involved with the whole battle. The path wound past many of the farms that were integrally involved during the famous battle, including one that served as a sort of make-shift hospital. Anyway, the trip was about just over 8 miles, and it was very easy, no real grades or hills to speak of, though the horses were good, they weren’t in the mood to do a lot of cantering, probably still tired from all the climbing and the rough trail from yesterday. Though it rained for most of the first half of the ride, by 3:00 it had stopped raining, and by 3:30 the sun was moving in nicely, making it a beautiful day in the end. We had a nice chat with a couple by the Longstreet Memorial, then arrived back at the parking lot by 4:30, out the lot with a full tank of water by 5:00. Headed to the Giant Supermarket for a few grocery items and to get gas, then back up the mountain to the Forest. On the way, I noticed the battery light blinking on the van, and the gauge indicated the batteries were discharging, so chalk another item on Hubby’s list of things to do tomorrow! We’re hoping it will turn out to be just a loose wire somewhere in the system, but the van is 10 years old, so it wouldn’t surprise us if it was the alternator. Got the horses blanketed, fed and settled in before dark, and soon the same for the dogs and us!

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