Monday, Nov. 15, 2021 – Travel Day to Green Swamp

Hey Darlin’,
A very chilly morning, about 37 degrees when I first woke up at 7:30! Not what I came to Florida for! I’m told it’s unusual, just like 95 in Michigan this summer was unusual, seems all my best laid plans don’t work because I keep running into “unusual” weather! Anyway, I’m partially solving that problem by moving 175 miles south, where it’s nearly 10 degrees warmer at night, thank goodness! It’s nice when I don’t have any highline or fence to take down and no cleanup to do, so even though I didn’t start moving until 8:30, had breakfast, finished packing and said good-bye to Sheila and Linda, I still managed to get out at 10:00, which was perfect, I got to miss a lot of the traffic. It was a thankfully uneventful three hour drive, arriving right around 1:00, though it took a bit to figure out the weird lock they have on their gate! But I managed, and arrived at Ashley Camp, surprised to see that it was about half full! So rare to see that many people on a Monday, and about half had horses as well. The camping loop had a pretty sharp turn on one side of it, well, the giant live oaks on the corners were really the problem, so rather than go deep into the campground, I selected a spot near the entrance, and it wasn’t too bad getting into. Impressed a couple of old guys watching, at any rate! Got unhooked, got the horses out, put a fence up (though I have trees to highline, I thought I’d try the fence), but I’m a bit worried because the ground is so soft here, I’m figuring Apollo will probably pull the posts out at some point, and he’ll be wandering around the yard before I know it! Have to keep an eye on him, and keep them fully stocked with hay. Got everything all set up and was sitting in my chair relaxing by 3:30. I dismantled the long, crappy hose I had, took all the useable repair parts out, I’m going to be throwing the rest of it away, now that I have these two 50′ Zero G hoses. They worked like a charm for filling the horse buckets! There are spigots at every site, so water is not a problem here (though it’s listed as non-potable), and I’m close to the vault toilet if I want to keep my blackwater use to a minimum, which I should do since I’ll be going primitive for quite a while in the coming weeks. Got my solar panel out, looks like I should be able to glean a bit of energy from that, since the forecast is all sunny for the foreseeable future here in the Sunshine State. Grilled a burger, watched a little TV, took Lola for a walk, now it’s time for shower and bed! Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

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