Monday, May 7, 2018 – More Work on Trailer

Hubby started to seriously get painting, and the undercarriage of the gooseneck is starting to look really good! I helped by masking some of the detail work, plus worked on more reorganizing inside, so the inside is looking good, too!. I also spent some time with Flash for the second day on a lead in our old round pen area (sand is still there, but fence boards are gone), teaching him some respect and getting him to move his feet. I think he’s going to have a lovely gait for Hubby, and we’ve already discussed possibly me riding him in some future endurance race once he’s fit enough. I also checked out Hubby’s Aussie saddle on him, and it looks like it will be a good fit. I feel safer with him in the Aussie saddle, those little knee panels will likely save him from falling more than once! Flash is getting used to me now and has learned to respect my space. He’s having trouble with the concept of backing up, though, he just thinks he’s supposed to have his face right by my face all the time, very friendly-like, but that’s not going to cut it! So the daily routine now is to feed the horses, then feed us, then I work with Flash while Hubby works on the trailer, then I join him when I’m done to do more work on the trailer. Then we have lunch and dialyze in the afternoon.  Our priority now is to get the trailer done, so that we can leave at a moment’s notice! Can’t wait for that to happen! 

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