Monday, June 7, 2021 – Travel Day to Wranglers Land Between the Lakes

Hi Sweetie,
More rain, so everything is still muddy, but then it cleared up just long enough for us to rinse everything down and even to dry a bit before more clouds moved in. Since we didn’t do any packing up yesterday, and had much more to pack up what with tents and all, it seemed to take a long time, even with extra hands. It was noon before Maggie and I had finished at the dump, and Sandy headed straight south to visit her cousin in N. Alabama for a few days. We made it to LBL around 2:00, taking some skinny back roads I would probably have been better off missing, but it was fine. Then we followed the signs for the Wrangler’s Camp off the Trace, and it took us on another long, windy, skinny road, which I’d never taken before because I’ve always come from the other direction, where it’s a very short drive from the main road to the camp, so wasn’t real happy about that! But we got here okay, got settled in to a lovely corner spot where I put up the electric fence (though I was told later by a ranger that I couldn’t actually put the electric on, but the fence was okay), mostly because the rain had made the highline area a total mess, plus there was lots of clover, which the horses just loved! We got everything set up, took our time, and even got the tent up by 5:00 before finally having dinner, which was a wonderful piece of leftover steak from dinner last week, with rice and veggies. Settled down for the evening chatting and reading, but then went off to bed by about 9:00. Pretty much no cell service here, which may be problematic, but I did manage to find a good one down by the office, so that will be our hotspot for now! Meanwhile, showers were done early (we were so sweaty after load-in!), now off the bed! Love you, babe! Good night!

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