Monday, January 29, 2024 – Day Off

Hiya Sweetie,
Had a great night sleep, though I woke up around 7:00, got up real quick to turn the fireplace on, and went back to bed to let it warm up. I read a little, then I heard Flash nickering a couple of times, something he only does when Apollo is on walkabout, and sure enough, when I looked out my bedroom window, he was right outside munching on some hay he had pulled out from under the gooseneck. I put on my robe and parka and went out to find him standing at the back of the trailer, got him hooked back up and threw them each a flake of hay to buy me some more time in bed. Ended up dozing off a bit, then finally got out of bed and dressed just about the time Ranger Rick got here to take trash, which I helped him to do. Finished my chores, and spent the day quietly. I pulled some muscle somewhere and my back was hurting, so I figure a day off is in order. I've been reading a couple of books on the women codebreakers from WWII, and one of them taught Morse code to the troops in Australia, and she had a fascinating way of helping folks learn it, by using mnemonics. I've always wanted to learn it, so I decided to give that method a try. I found a Youtube video explaining how it works, "Morse Code in less than ten minutes," and amazingly, I really was able to get a good start on it. Then I found a website that has audio practices, and I did that for a bit, too, and it was very interesting! I'm going to try to keep that up, it just seems like something we should all be able to do. Anyway, between that, reading, and watching a fun movie, it's been a nice quiet day, exactly what I needed. Just have to finish off with dishes, shower, Spanish and bed! Good night, my darlin'! Love you!

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