Monday, August, 16, 2010 – Drive Day to Wild Mare Horse Camp, OR

Having been in sight of the beach for several days, Hubby and I are anxious to get our feet wet in order to fulfill our objective, and today is the day we’re going to the place that will let us do that. After the usual shopping stops, we found the Wild Mare Horse Camp (again, no thanks to the office staff whom I called for directions), a well appointed campground with tarmac pads and plenty of corrals. We selected a site large enough for us, although we were disappointed to discover that the previous occupants hadn’t bothered to clear out their corrals (shame on you, whoever spent time in #6!). Water was nearby, but wasn’t a spigot, so we had to become creative, using a tub to fill with water, then using the drill pump to get it into the RV tank. Didn’t take long to get settled in, one of the advantages of a more developed campground. Met a backcountry packer name Judy who shared pix and stories about her adventures, looking forward to swapping more stories tomorrow.

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