Monday, April 5, 2010 – Problem-Solving Day

Called the tire shop in Chester to make sure our tire had come in, then Hubby headed out with the pickup and horse trailer. As he backed out of the campsite, he jacknifed the trailer and made a rather large dent in the front end of the trailer, and made it so the tack door wouldn’t open or close properly (usually I do all of the backing up of trailers, but he said he could manage…;-). Anyway, he managed to slam the door shut eventually, then headed out to take care of business, which now had expanded into trying to see how to fix the trailer. I spent the day on taxes again, while he ran around town, picking up the tire, some oats, some groceries, and some tools to try to bend the trailer back into place. Meanwhile, I spent the day on….TAXES!

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