Monday, April 4, 2022 – Map Nearly Finished! Helped Jeff Today, Too

Hi Darlin’!
Had a good night sleep and woke up at the respectable hour of 7:30, so I’m finally getting on schedule. Spent most of the day working on the almost final edition of the trail map for Dupuis, managed to get a copy off to James by the end of the day. Once again, it was supposed to rain by noon, so I didn’t do any laundry because I had plans to help Jeff move some roofing from brother Glenn’s new house, which closed today. It’s only a few miles north of Indiantown so I offered to help. Well, naturally, it didn’t rain until very late in the afternoon, and not for very long, so I could have done it this morning, not that I really need to. The closing didn’t happen until later in the afternoon, so I didn’t head over there until 3:30, and of course, what rain we did have came in while I was gone. Fortunately, the only window on the side where the rain was coming in was up in my bedroom, and it wasn’t very much, so no worries. Didn’t take long to get the roofing material in the back of Jeff’s truck, then headed back to camp, stopping once at the auto parts store in town to pick up some oil for the generator and a new windshield wiper for the passenger side, it started to fall apart when I turned my wipers on during a short sprinkle on the drive in. Relaxed for the evening, finishing off the 14th season of Heartland, then watched a silly movie, now it’s time for shower and bed! Good night, babe! Love you!

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