Monday, April 19, 2010 – Work/News Day

Well, we didn’t get around to having a ride today. The good news was I discovered that if I leaned my cell phone on my window ledge just so… I could actually get a signal just barely good enough to get a broadband internet link for my computer. It runs incredibly slow, but at least I can check my email and get on the internet over time, though anything with heavy graphics takes FOREVER! Got caught up on a lot of work, and there was a really cold breeze from the north that would have made riding rather uncomfortable, so it was just as well. Because we were starting to get low on hay, I got on craigslist and found some for sale in Newport, so I’ve made arrangements to pick some up tomorrow. Horses are now well rested, and I do believe they’re wondering when they get to go for a ride! We ran out of propane in one of the tanks, so Hubby took a ride to the bottom of the hill, where the grocery story/gas station/campground sold it. Other than that, just a “work in the office” kind of a day.

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