Friday, Sept. 9, 2022 – Afternoon at Glenn’s

Hi Darlin’,
Was up and about on schedule this morning, and after chores and breakfast, I headed into town, first to stop at the post office to pick up my new phone, then off the Glenn’s, where I mowed the lawn, which only took me about 2 1/2 hours, less than I thought, and cleaned the pool. Then I spent a little time getting my phone switched over, it was very helpful that he had wifi at his house to I could download it all a lot easier. Then I got a call from Tractor Supply that my part had come in, so it all worked out perfectly! Picked up the part and got back to camp right around 5:00. Had a lot of rain around today, and it really cooled the temps down, so I guess maybe Fall is on the way! Settled down for the evening as usual, just a Spanish lesson to do, then a quick shower and off to bed! Love you, sweetie! Good night!

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