Friday, Sept. 16, 2022 – Recovery Day

Hey Babe,
I had all good intentions to do some post painting today, but got waylaid, first by my printer running out of ink and not having a spare (could’ve sworn I had one, never found it), and then, after breakfast and chores, I sat in my recliner for a few minutes and ended up falling asleep again! Woke up nearly two hours later. Granted, I did wake up and read for a few hours during the night, but I didn’t think I was that tired, though I guess with all the activity this week, I shouldn’t be too surprised. I was really achey this morning, too, had a hard time moving, my lower back hurt quite a bit, and my right shoulder and oddly, my left elbow. Anyway, I ended up have a pretty lazy recovery day, mostly reading. Settled in for the evening, and a big rainstorm is raging at the moment. Looks like the fall transition is really coming in hard! Going to make the waters really deep out there for awhile, I’m sorry to say, so it may some weeks before I find my logging chain, if I ever do. Anyway, a relaxing day, ready for bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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