Friday, Nov. 22, 2019 – Load In and First Day of NWFL Horse Expo

After a quiet day yesterday, we were ready to go to work today, though the venue is a simple horse barn and our “space” here is a stall and five feet into the aisle. We opted for a simple setup, a single small table in the aisle and our banner hanging above us, and two folding chairs, just using the stalls to store an extra box of book and other sundries, all of which only took us about half an hour. The first events started at 6:00, so we just hung out for the afternoon, then manned the booth from about 6:00 to about 9:00, as traffic was a bit slow, and got back to the trailer just afterwards, as we’re only steps away from the venue. Heading to bed soon, as it will be an early morning!

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