Friday, May 21, 2021 – Quiet Restful Day

Hi Darlin’,
Had a good night sleep, though I had to put in earplugs because for some reason, Lola was uncharacteristically restless, which surprised me considering how tired she must have been after a nine plus mile ride! I ended up having to give her an allergy pill just to make her sleep, and finally I was able to get to sleep. While the big group went out with the local trail guide, Tim, and another guy on a white mule, I spent the day resting and doing a few odd chores, like finally clearing out the back of the trailer and cleaning out the water filter, which for some unknown reason still had some of those leaf-like things getting trapped in it. So weird! Flash whinnied for quite a while after Apollo left with the group, but finally settled down. I thought I might go on a short ride with Flash but felt so tired, I ended up just reading, and rather surprised I didn’t fall asleep in my chair doing so! The group got back around 4:00, though I didn’t see them come in. I went out to check on Kris’ horse only to discover that Apollo was back in the paddock munching away. I joined them again for drinks and dinner, and even got a “to go” plate for later in the weekend as they had cooked so much food. I’ll give them their due, these southern gals sure know how to cook! I brought Lola with me, and was glad when she behaved herself. They’re all leaving in the morning. Meanwhile, more new neighbors moved in right beside me, a younger couple celebrating the husband’s 35th birthday, they seemed nice, too. I finally made it back to the trailer around 8:30, settled in for a quick one hour of TV, but am more than ready for bed, despite having rested for most of the day, well, apart from a bunch of chores, like fixing my water and clearing out the trailer. Noah and Steve came over and did some work on my stairs, but it looks like they’re going to need to be replaced, or at least re-welded, though a new set will probably be better. Another repair I need to make! Anyway, time for shower and bed, looking forward to a long ride tomorrow, then a sort of rest and prep day on Sunday. Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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