Friday, March 19, 2021 – Lazy Day

Hi Babe,
Had quite an uneventful day today, really, had nothing on the agenda, had a fleeting thought that I should start my taxes but decided I wasn’t in the mood. I did finally got a hold of the RV parts folks about returning the items that we didn’t use to fix the slide, got it all packed up, then had them tell me not to bother to ship it back! Granted the most expensive things were the bearings that we used, but the rest of it was worth over $75, but they said to not to return them! Not sure what to do with them, since I don’t want to just carry them around, don’t need any extra weight, that’s for sure! I guess I’ll just tuck them in the barn with some other stuff I’ve stored there, or maybe list it on Marketplace, though it seems like it’s too specific to sell online, but you never know! After that was settled, I pulled out my yoga mat and did all my PT exercises, both knee and shoulder, and felt pretty good after that. My knee is really coming along, the inflammation is coming down nicely, and I’m getting a lot more mobility out of it these days. I iced it off and on the rest of the afternoon while I binged on TV, just not feeling like doing much of anything today. It was a bit cooler, which is great, it was too hot last night, but today was beautiful. I can’t wait until I can swim again! And ride, of course! It won’t be long, though, I can feel it! So after this quiet day, I’m heading off the shower and bed! Good night, sweetie! Love you!

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