Friday, March 15, 2024 – Busy, Exhausting Ides of March

Hiya Babe,
What a busy day! It started off really rough. When I got back last night, I was in the mood for something sweet, and made the mistake of having a couple of Dr. Pepper Cream Sodas, which I suddenly realized (after having drank them both) that they were loaded with caffeine. The unfortunate result was that I didn't get to sleep until after 3:00 and a double dose of melatonin. So when I got up at 9:00, I still felt tired, but I had so much to do that I spent the day running on mostly adrenaline. After chores and breakfast, I collected most of the stuff around the trailer that were on my list from the meeting last night, then went down to the HQ to get what I needed out of the volunteer closet. There was a lot more and heavy stuff than I remembered, so it took me awhile, and a lot of muscle, to get it all in the back of the truck. Fortunately, Rick went down to Tidewater with me and help me unload it. We just managed to get it all in the closet behind the bathrooms, now all I have to do is wrestle it out of there tomorrow. Got back home and dozed a little in my chair before heading out to pick up some stuff from Val's, and Chelle's and Meg's before meeting Jo at HQ to fill up a truckload of coolers and water stations. It was nearly 6:00 by the time that was done. Bev and her crew arrived while I was gone, chatted with her for just a minute before coming back for dinner, a quick Northern Exposure, a shower and EARLY bed, since I've already made plans to meet Chelle at 7:45 in the morning at HQ, so it's going to be a very long and tiring but exciting day tomorrow! Good night, my sweet! Love you!

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