Friday, Mar. 13, 2020 – Pretty Much Ready!

Hi Sweetie!
Well, I think we’re almost ready for your Celebration of Life tomorrow. We FINALLY managed to move that old wreck of a Winnebago out of the front yard late yesterday, at least getting it out of the line sight anyway, behind that big bush where we had parked the small horse trailer last year. Today I made deviled eggs, baked cookies, put together the cold cut trays, swept out the pool and cleaned the pool filters again, found Jeff’s electric weed whacker (stored in his bedroom for some incomprehensible reason) and trimmed around the pool and our trailer and a bit around the house just to tidy it up. I even managed to pressure wash around the pool again, though in no time at all Lola and spread her muddy footprints around again, so it will need to be done tomorrow. Audrey flew in this morning, she’s staying through next Wednesday, though they’ve actually extended Spring break by a week because of the Corona virus that’s got everyone going nuts. You can’t buy hand sanitizer, alcohol or, for some odd reason, toilet paper. Glenn said Publix was very low on bread when he stopped in today, and unfortunately I still need some, so I’m thinking an early trip to Publix for whatever else I need will be in order tomorrow morning. I think everything else is covered. I’ll put a tarp over that old hot tub, just to get it out of sight. I also went through all our boxes of pictures yesterday and made out some albums for people to look at, and selected a couple of DVD’s to play on the living room TV during the day. I picked the Darrow you did at the Dubose Center, and two Galileo’s I can’t decide between. One was our World Premiere at Theatre-Round-The-Corner in Huntsville, which I like because it’s a lot of wide shots, but the sound is a little weak though understandable, and the other from Principia College, which has good sound but are mostly close-ups, which also works, though it kind of weakens the flow of movement around the set. I’ll probably use them both during the day, we’ll see how it goes. Anyway, it’s been a busy couple of days, but I’ve tried to pace myself so I don’t get too exhausted, which is why I’m going to bed early tonight. Already had my shower, just going to finish off an episode of SHIELD then head off the bed. Looking forward to tomorrow, and being with so many friends and family. BTW, they postponed the Gator Nationals, so my plan to have Jeff out of the house for this has gone out the window. At least he’ll get to go, either later this year or next year. You wouldn’t believe how crazy it’s gotten over this Corona virus! They’ve shut down March Madness, the PGA, delayed the start of the baseball season, all because of a virus that only killed about 40 people, most of whom were in a senior’s home in Washington state. Compare that to the usual 60,000 people who die of the flu every year, and scratch your head. I know I’ve been! Anyway, off to bed! Love you darling!

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