Friday, July 28, 2023 – Laundry and Book Day

Hi Baby,
Just when I think I’m making headway on the book, something turns up that bogs me down. I discovered a little hitch, and spent hours trying to resolve it, still not sure I’ve fixed it, and I’ll have to talk to the publishing people on Monday to try to figure it out. Meanwhile, I decided I needed to fill up with water, and since I was having to run the generator to fill up with water, I figured I might as well do a quick load of laundry since I was running short of riding gear, and once I move to Shecks on Monday, I may not have easy access to water until next Saturday when they show up with a generator. Not sure I can park within reach, though I’ll try. Other than that, a pretty quiet day. Last week, a whole bunch of trailers came in on Thursday and Friday, this week, only a very few. Surprising, but apparently that’s the norm here. The forecast was calling for a good chance of rain this afternoon, but nothing showed up except the tiniest sprinkle around dinnertime. Supposed to be a cool front coming in, which would be very welcome, as it was near 90 degrees today. Hopefully overnight it will get cooler! So another rather mundane on the road, looking forward to a nice ride tomorrow. Good night, sweetheart! Love you!

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