Friday, July 1, 2011 – First Ride Day at Sugar Hill

After picking up a trailer load of hay this morning, and running down to nearby Watkins Glen to pick up a few things, we got back just after noon, grabbed a bowl of cereal for lunch, then saddled up and headed out, deciding to just take the short Cayuga trail up to and around a little pond and back. Trails were a bit muddy in spots, and rocky in others, but we had put the horses’ boots on before we left so that was no bother. Very wild looking trails, despite their obvious heavy use, some wide enough for two abreast, others so narrow you can hardly see the trail for the ground cover. Out just over an hour, just enough to stretch the horses’ legs, getting some jogs and even a couple of short canters, though the trails didn’t really have the best footing for that. When we got back, we tried something new. Several of our neighbors have been letting their horses graze on the fresh grass and clover of the campground, so when we went shopping today, I had an idea. I bought a 10 pound boat anchor and a fifty foot anchor rope, which I cut in half, then added another hook to the second half. I tied them to the boat anchor, then clipped them on the horses’ halters. That gave them the freedom to move around, but not very far, as the weight was enough to slow them down considerably. They enjoyed the grass for several hours in the afternoon before we hooked them back up to the highline for the night. They seemed to appreciate the freedom, and I was happy I have finally found a solution to a problem we’ve had many times, how to let them graze safely. I had considered hobbles for a long time, but never could fine any I liked. I was also worried about the horses hurting themselves, or getting farther than we wanted, but the anchor seems to be the perfect thing. We’ll see how it works, anyway. We sat out and kept an eye on them for awhile, they seemed to adjust fine, as they seem to do with everything we ask of them. We relaxed the rest of the evening, still tired from our busy week. Still planning on a good long ride tomorrow though!

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