Friday, January 8, 2010 – Change of plans, disappointed in Lee

Got out a little later than we hoped, primarily because our client was making several TV appearances this morning we wanted to see, then got on the road heading south, in search of warmer weather. Our original plan was to stop at Lee State Natural Area in South Carolina again, but I had a very unsatisfactory conversation with them en route. Because it was supposed to be in the teens overnight, we wanted to put the horses in one of the stalls they have there near the arena. Obviously, we wanted to park nearby to keep an eye on them. Unfortunately, the park manager wouldn’t allow us to do that for reasons beyond comprehension. It’s a group area, and we would have to pay the group rate ($300), but then again, we’d have to fill out an application and get it approved through the central office beforehand…. It became so ridiculous and absurd, I looked for an alternative, and found an excellent one at the Poinsett State Park about another hour farther south.

The ranger there was delightful, receptive and welcoming. Their campground area was very rustic, with a locked gate and one central water spigot, and open stalls made out of full-size pine logs. We were th only tenants, and the fee was about $10. The area was very sheltered, so even though the stalls weren’t covered, we let the horses stay out instead of putting them in the trailer, as there was no wind at all. There’s a multi-use trail nearby, and though we didn’t stay to ride, we’ll definitely be back to this one!

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