Friday, January 26, 2024 – Busy Day Filling Troughs in the Forest

Hey Sweetie,
Slept well, got up a little earlier than usual (which I hope continues) and had a list of some things I had to do, which mostly went out the window when Rick asked me to be his navigator to fill up the water tubs that had been spread around the forest in anticipation of the ride. I did manage to get a couple of things done first, like clean the bathrooms and finish cleaning and filling the galvanized tank here, but then we headed out, first to headquarters, then on down to the various tanks. Turns out the tanker trailer was only 500 gallons, so we had to fill it several times, and it took all day to finish it, but I got to see parts of the forest where I'd never been, including stopping long enough to take a walk down to the Big Cypress Tree, a 900+ year old tree that has a boardwalk to it. It was a beautiful part of the forest, very old Florida, just lovely. We finished up just in time for me to jump in my truck, run down to Jo's to pick up a couple of things for her, then down to Tidewater to meet her. She bought me dinner from Bob, a spectacular chicken alfredo, with a salad, beverage and dessert, so I was fully satisfied after not eating all day. Jo gave me a few things to bring back to Black Prong to crew for her in the morning, and then I had Scotty help me move Tom G's water tank out of his truck and headed home. Quickly cordoned off a big area for crewing, talked to some of the campers, fed the horses, and finally got settled for the night around 7:00. Whew! Busy day! Probably will be even busier tomorrow, but I kinda like it like that, always something to do! You know me, I like to keep busy! Good night, darlin'! Love you!

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