Friday, December 2, 2022 – Another Exhausting Day of Prep

Hey Sweetie,
Whew, what a day! Got up bright and early and started doing some last minute things I’d been meaning to do, like cleaning the last two stalls in Barn 2, which I hadn’t gotten around to yet, then James showed up, so we chatted for a bit, mostly about how certain folks in the hierarchy weren’t happy about getting complaints about me (though they didn’t seem interested in my side at all, and were only reacting to minimal information-welcome to bureaucracy!), but James we completely understanding, knew exactly what I was doing, and kept the wolves at bay long enough for my message to have maximum impact. Anyway, it was a good “meeting,” and after he left, I grabbed some breakfast and then started breaking down everything. The screen room, cleaning out the back of trailer and rearranging it, generally packing up as much as I could. After a few hours, I finally got an email that I had received my package at the post office. I had ordered a large, inexpensive duffel bag, since it became clear I didn’t have enough room in what I had. I hooked up the small trailer, loaded up Apollo and Lola, stopped at the post office for the package, and made my way to brother Jeff’s to drop off my critters. Had to take a quick run into Publix to pick some more cans of dog food and grapefruit juice. I was going to get eggs but the prices have done through the roof! Nine dollars for an 18 carton of eggs! Crazy! Dropped everything back at Jeff’s, then headed back to camp, though I stopped to top off my tank. I though it would only be a top off, because I had a nearly full tank, and it STILL cost my $45 dollars to do that! Got back to camp, got the truck hooked up to the trailer, checked in an equestrian group of three, then finally did some packing into my new bag. It’s big, and I’m trying not to overload it and make it too heavy, but this combined with the red duffel bag should be plenty of space, and hopefully not weigh too much. Getting ready for “fun” is exhausting! Finally settled down for the evening, now I’m ready for an early shower and bed! Good night, my darlin’! Love you!

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