Friday, Aug. 1, 2014 – Hospital and Shopping

Per doctor’s orders from Burley, we went down to the one and only hospital in Bellingham and checked into the ER to get followup x-rays. They treated us quite well, and though it took a little longer than before, we were still out in about 3 hours. They said Hubby was doing just fine, he was healing, and they gave him one of those aspirator things for him to breath into to make sure he didn’t get pneumonia. He has one from when he had his quadruple by-pass in 2003, but, of course, it’s at home. Not the kind of thing one’s likely to take with one in an RV, where space is limited, so now we have two! Went shopping afterward, first getting lunch in the mall’s food court, then off to Kohl’s for jeans. After having gained 12 pounds in the six months we were in Texas, we haven’t lost enough yet to fit into our skinny jeans, so we had to capitulate and get a couple of pairs of fat jeans each for the Alaska trip. Come September, though, serious diet!!! Another quick stop for groceries, and we headed back to the farm for the evening.

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