Friday, April 9, 2021 – New Front Shocks on Truck

Hi Darlin’,
Had a rather sporadic night sleep, on and off, but finally slept through way late, to 9:30 before I got up. Fed the critters, had breakfast, then went to work on putting the new shocks that arrived yesterday on the front of the truck. Bill gave me hand, which helped, though I did most of the work myself. Brother Jeff had nothing but criticism about how we were going about it, even though none of the three videos I watched recommended doing it the way he suggested, so I did it my way anyway. It was a bit tough getting the top nut off, but we finally did it. For a couple of minutes we thought the spindle on the new shocks was too short, but we finally worked it out and got the job done! Bill was a good helper and I was happy he volunteered. Spent most of the rest of the day just relaxing by the pool. I even managed to get in my floating river ring without getting my knee wet, which was a nice change. I only have a couple of tiny scabs left on my knee, but I’m determined to let them run their full course to lessen the scar, though admittedly, I’ve had moments when I just wanted to scrub the darn things off! Jeff had work down in Delray, and since I knew he’d be down there at his favorite tavern until all hours, the three of us went ahead and grilled steaks and had a nice dinner on the patio. We made arrangements to meet brother Glenn and Dena tomorrow at his condo, his tenants moved out so he’s back here to get it ready for the next ones, I guess. Sandy wants some beach time, and we’re going to have lunch nearby, so that’s our plan for tomorrow. Got back to the trailer just after 8:00, settled down for the evening, I’ve had my shower, and will soon be off the bed. Good night, babe! Love you!

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