Friday, April 9, 2010 – Travel Day to Occoneechee State Park

Packed up and got ready to go. Before we left, we had to change out the tire that Hubby had picked up earlier this week. Had a few problems with the levelers sinking into the ground, so we had to move down to the gravel to get it right, but it didn’t take long and we were soon on our way. A few brief stops on the way, then we arrived at Occoneechee just before 5:00. We’ve been here once before, but we’re not particularly fond of it. It’s nothing more than a large, unlevel gravel parking lot with electricity on each aisle (yes, they’re aisles like at Wal-Mart), but they have very nice stalls. No one else was there when we arrived, but another rig showed up a while later, though we never had a chance to speak to them, like two ships passing in the proverbial night. Uneventful, just tried to relax in the evening.

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